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App AMB Mobilitat

AMB Mobilitat is a free app that lets you plan your journey by public transport and cycling route according to your needs.

Call a taxi, make a Picmi!

If you are looking for a taxi, hail it from your mobile. Select the taxi from your usual transports settings or click on the taxi button on the main screen. Click on the Picmi Taxi button to order the nearest taxi.

If you have the mobile in hand, you can change the way to move you!

Now, move you for the metropolitan area is much easier.

  • Estimated arrival in real time
    Connectivity between all modes of transport
    Personalise the services you use the most and bookmark stops, lines and spots
  • Map of the selected route
    Routes of each mode of transport, alerts and service alterations that affect your favorite lines
    Move around the metropolitan area of Barcelona with all the information

If you are a mobility company and you want to appear in the AMB Mobilitat app

Access the contact form by filling in the company details with a brief description of the mobility service provided and we will contact you. Access to contact form